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No, the Attack Helo is not Dead.

The Chieftain • 13m
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Up Next in The Chieftain

  • Why I call it the "Caliber Fifty"

    Ma Deuce, the Fifty, Five-Oh, Point five, there are a lot of different appellations to the classic M2 HB and M85. Why do I go with "Caliber Fifty?"
    I explain.

  • Life in the 11th ACR, Part 7: The Fam...

    This video is good for most anyone going to Fort Irwin, not just 11th ACR. It's all very well for the soldier to go play soldier so much in the desert, but what happens to the spouses and kids who are dozens of miles away from the nearest civilian city? Or single soldiers?
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  • Life in 11th ACR: Career Effects

    11th Cav is the professional opposing force at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, CA. As such, you get to do really cool things, but does this come at the cost of your professional development?TLDW: No.
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