MAT49: Internal gubbins and DAKKA
Bloke on the Range
Chap goes full nerd on the MAT49, including history, features, a major design fail and accessories. For those patient enough there's a bit of dakka at the end, or just skip to 23:28!
Big THANK YOU to for letting us use his photos!
Up Next in Bloke on the Range
Trapdoor 1887 Springfield Rifle Black...
Finally we are able to present you with a mad minute featuring the trapdoor rifle, not thanks to Bloke or Chap, but rather thanks to one of our awesome fans who took it upon himself to have a go.
You did the rifle justice. Fantastic run! The BotR community thanks you Oliver!
Lee-Enfield No.4 And French MAS-36 Sn...
Mike and Fab dunk their rifles in the Finnish snow to see if they keep running. Mike was, of course, running a Lee-Enfield No.4 (Sterling conversion in .308 Win / 7.62 NATO instead of .303 British) whereas Fab was, again of course, shooting his pre-WW2 MAS-36 in 7.5x54 French.
Teeny Tiny Testy TPH
Walther TPHs are known to be testy tempestuous little things and one of Mrs Chap's ones is exactly that. Light strikes are fairly common so the springs have been replaced but there was one more thing that could be done to hopefully solve the issue for good.
Also, lathe and mill go brrrrr!