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The Soviet Success: The ShKAS Machine Gun with curatorial assistant Joe Ford
Royal Armouries
Unusually light, extremely fast firing and featuring a feed cage mechanism. This week's weapon is the ShKAS machine gun.
Up Next in Royal Armouries
An Edwardian SA80? Thorneycroft First...
Today's episode is an interesting one... you could almost... write a book about it.
In other news - we're taking part in a Call of Duty livestream against the Cody Firearms Museum in a 3v3 for each museum to defend their gaming honour. And to hopefully raise a few donations from you lovely viewe...
What is this Weapon Presents: Antique...
Dave and Jonathan return for a repeat of the museum supermarket sweep that is 'Antiques Gunshow'. This time, the category is: Video Games.
The South Korean K2 Service Rifle wit...
As seen in Squid Game, this week Jonathan delves into the South Korean service rifle - the Daewoo K2.