Why the Luftwaffe failed in World War 2
Short overview on the major shortcomings and blunders of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) in World War 2. Taking at look at the initial situation and the various errors committed by its leadership, notably: doctrinal failure by not developing a fleet air arm, insufficient logistics, mismanagement in aircraft production, failure to support its coalition air forces (Finland, Hungary, Romania and Italy) and establishing a proper training system. See notes on Accuracy & “Methodology” (bottom) for more detailed information. Script and further information: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.com/why-the-luftwaffe-failed-in-world-war-2-failures-shortcomings-and-blunders/ »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - http://www.hdv470-7.com/ » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/mhvis/shop » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milhistoryvisualized/ twitter: https://twitter.com/MilHiVisualized tumblr: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.tumblr.com/ ---Social Media--- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milhistoryvisualized/ twitter: https://twitter.com/MilHiVisualized tumblr: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.tumblr.com/ ---Sources--- --Books-- Corum, James S.: Defeat of the Luftwaffe, 1935-1945, In: Higham & Harris: Why Air Forces Fail --Websites & Links-- http://uboat.net/allies/merchants/losses_year.html ---Song---- Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone (the Irony :D) ---Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology”--- This is basically a short summary of the article listed in the sources. Except for the numbers of sunk ships by German submarines this information is from the listed website. Note that this number also includes damaged ships, I summed up the values for each month.