Why were the Mongols so effective?
„The Mongol Empire of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was the largest continuous land empire that has so far existed. At its greatest extent it stretched from Korea to Hungary, including, except for India and the south-east of the continent, most of Asia, as well as a good deal of eastern Europe. As a whole it lasted for well over a century, and parts of it survived for very much longer.” (Morgan, David: The Mongols. Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA, USA, 2007, p. 5) Hence, the question is how and why were they so effective in both military and political affairs? Related videos: Medieval Logistics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU06Yr5ZzRc Why was the WM so combat effective? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgQglp7OZcA Why was Napoleon so effective? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0H1WgsMrfU »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - https://www.patreon.com/join/mhv » paypal donation - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=TFHEY4P4YU3NY » Book Wishlist https://www.amazon.de/gp/registry/wishlist/3LJIXNJIUXJES/ref=cm_wl_huc_view »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - https://www.redbubble.com/people/mhvis/shop »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » twitter - https://twitter.com/MilHiVisualized » facebook - https://www.facebook.com/milhistoryvisualized/ » twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/militaryhistoryvisualized » minds.com - https://www.minds.com/militaryhistoryvisualized » SOURCES « Jackson, Peter: The Mongols and the West, 1221-1410. Routledge: London, 2018. Morgan, David: The Mongols. Second Edition. Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA, USA, 2007. Chambers, James: The Devil’s Horsemen. The Mongol Invasion of Europe. Cassell: London, 1988. Twitchett, Denis (Ed.); Fairbank, John K. (Ed.): The Cambridge History of China. Volume 6. Alien Regimes And Border States, 907—1368. Bachrach, Bernard S.; Bachrach, David S.: Warfare in Medieval Europe c.400-c.1453. Routledge: New York, 2017. Rossabi, Morris: “All the Khan’s Horses”. In: Natural History, October 1994. http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/mongols Swietoslawski, Witold; Poklewska-Parra, Zuzanna (translator): The organization of the Mongols’ War Expeditions in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. In: FASCICULI ARCHAEOLOGIAE HISTORICAE Fasc. XV, p. 33-38 France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades, 1000-1300 Contamine, Philippe: War in the Middle Ages Bradbury, Jim: The Routledge Companion to Medieval Warfare » DATA CHAIN « Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @ naturalearthdata.com. Made with GeoHack Data. https://tools.wmflabs.org/geohack/geohack.php - License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ » CREDITS & SPECIAL THX « Song: Ethan Meixsell - Demilitarized Zone #militaryhistory #mongols #medieval