World War Management 101
Ever wondered what you need to consider in a total war? Well, here is a small idea on just some problems that concern strategic resources, manpower, key fuels, food and industry. Based on both the First and Second World War. »» SUPPORT MHV «« » patreon - » paypal donation - »» MERCHANDISE - SPOILS OF WAR «« » shop - »» SOCIAL MEDIA «« » - » facebook - » twitter - » twitch - » SOURCES « Brown, Ian: Logistics. In: Winter, Jay (ed.): The Cambridge History of the First World War, Volume II. The State Supple, Barry: War Economies. In: Winter, Jay (ed.): The Cambridge History of the First World War, Volume II. The State Prost, Antoine: Workers. In: Winter, Jay (ed.): The Cambridge History of the First World War, Volume II. The State Ziemann, Benjamin: Agrarian Society. In: Winter, Jay (ed.): The Cambridge History of the First World War, Volume II. The State Fear, Jeffrey: War of the factories. In: Geyer, Michael (ed); Tooze, Adam (ed): The Cambridge History of the Second World War, Volume III. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Collingham, Lizzie: The human fuel: food as global commodity and local scarcity. In: Geyer, Michael (ed); Tooze, Adam (ed): The Cambridge History of the Second World War, Volume III. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Miller, Michael: Sea transport. In: Geyer, Michael (ed); Tooze, Adam (ed): The Cambridge History of the Second World War, Volume III. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Edgerton, David: Coal, iron ore and oil in the Second World War. In: Geyer, Michael (ed); Tooze, Adam (ed): The Cambridge History of the Second World War, Volume III. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture. Lesser, Ian I.: Resources and Strategy Zabecki, David T.: Steel Wind – Colonel Georg Bruchmüller and the Birth of Modern Artillery